
鄢一龙接受People's Daily采访谈中国社会发展

日期:2022-10-12 浏览次数:21378

中国是世界上公认最安全的国家之一。2021年,我国居民人均预期寿命达到78.2岁,较1949年翻了一倍多。在这个充满动乱和冲突的世界里,中国是如何创造长期社会稳定发展奇迹的?日前,人民日报英文版People's Daily就有关问题采访了清华大学国情研究院副院长、公共管理学院副教授鄢一龙等专家学者。

In recent decades, China has achieved a miracle of long-term social stability that serves not only as the foundation of its rapid economic development but also a ballast of world peace and a sustainer of the world economy.

China has been widely recognized as one of the safest countries worldwide. Average life expectancy reached 78.2 years in 2021, more than doubling in the past 70 years.

In a world wracked by turmoil and conflicts, how did China create a long-term social stability miracle, and will this continue?

To answer these questions, we invited renowned scholars from home and abroad to decipher China's social stability miracle.

Click on the video to better understand China's social stability.

(Produced by Han Xiaomeng, Liang Peiyu, Lin Rui, Yang Yang, Zhang Qinyuan, Li Bowen and Di Jingyuan)