长期从事化学反应工程、流态化反应工程教学与研究工作。1959 年毕业于原苏联乌拉尔工业大学,1959年至1961年在天津大学深造,1961年-1972年在中国科技大学任教,1973年至今在清华大学任教。
曾获人事部中青年有突出贡献专家称号,全国优秀教师奖、全国五一劳动奖章获得者、北京市高校名 师奖。先后获国家技术发明二等奖 1 项、国家科技进步二等奖 1 项、部委级科技进步一等奖1项,二等奖 4 项及三等奖3 项、教育部优秀博士论文指导教师奖二次、全国技术专利北京专利技术金奖 1 项。获 2006 美国化学工程师学 会 PSRI 讲座奖(AIChE PSRI,Lectureship Award)。在国内、外发表学术论文 350 余篇,获技 术专利 37 项。
Wang TF, Wang JF, Jin Y. A CFD-PBM coupled model for gas-liquid flows. AICHE JOURNAL, 52 (1): 125-140, 2006.
Luo PC, Cheng Y, Wang ZW, Jin Y, Yang WH. Study on the mixing behavior of thin liquid-sheet impinging jets using the PLIF technique. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 45 (2): 863-870, 2006.
Pan HP, Wang TJ, Yao JH, Jin Y. Granule transport and mean residence time in horizontal drum with inclined flights. POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 162 (1): 50-58, 2006.
Xin HL, Wu Q, Han MH, Wang DZ, Jin Y. Alkylation of benzene with 1-dodecene in ionic liquids [Rmim]+Al2Cl6X- (R = butyl, octyl and dodecyl; X = chlorine, bromine and iodine). APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 292: 354-361, 2005.
Chen S, Han MH, Xu C, Wang DZ, Jin Y. Structure optimization of a circulating moving bed reactor. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMMUNICATIONS, 192 (10-12): 1598-1620, 2005.
Yuan YH, Han MH, Cheng, Y, Wang DZ, Jin Y. Experimental and CFD analysis of two-phase cross/countercurrent flow in the packed column with a novel internal. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 60 (22): 6210-6216, 2005.
Wang TF, Wang JF, Jin Y. Experimental study and CFD simulation of hydrodynamic behaviours in an external loop airlift slurry reactor. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 82 (6): 1183-1190, 2004.
Wang TF, Wang JF, Jin Y. An efficient numerical algorithm for "A novel theoretical breakup kernel function of bubble/droplet in a turbulent flow". CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 59 (12): 2593-2595, 2004.
Yuan YH, Han MH, Wang DZ, Jin Y. Liquid phase residence time distribution for a two-phase countercurrent flow in a packed column with a novel internal. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING, 43 (12): 1469-1474, 2004.
Gong YL, Lan X, Jin Y. Effect of hydrothermal treatment on the structure and properties of Ni/A1(2)O(3) catalyst. CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, 24 (12): 919-923, 2003.
Li ZQ, Wei F, Jin Y. Numerical simulation of pulverized coal combustion and NO formation. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 58 (23-24): 5161-5171, 2003.
Yang J, Wang TJ, He H, Wei F, Jin Y. Particle size distribution and morphology of in situ suspension polymerized toner. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 42 (22): 5568-5575, 2003.
Principles of Fluidization Engineering (in Chinese), Y. Jin, J.X. Zhu, Z.W. Wang and Z.Q. Yu eds., Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2001.
Industrial Ecology: Principles and Applications (in Chinese), Y. Jin, Y.R. Li and J.T. Feng eds., Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2003.
Novel configurations and variants, Chapter 16 in J.R. Grace, A.A. Avidan and T.M. Knowlton eds., Circulating Fluidized Beds, Blackie Academic & Professional, 1997.
Effects of internal tubes and baffles, Chapter 7 in W.-C. Yang ed., Handbook of Fluidization and Fluid-Particle Systems , Marcel Dekker Inc., 2003.
Fluidization, in Encyclopedia of Chemical Engineering (Chinese) , Chem. Ind. Press, 1996