
鄢一龙接受People's Daily采访谈中国式民主

日期:2022-11-01 浏览次数:20132


过去几十年,西方国家一直置疑中国式民主,并错误地将其描述为独裁。我们应当如何定义中国式民主,与西式民主有什么不同?日前,人民日报英文版People's Daily就有关问题采访了清华大学国情研究院副院长、公共管理学院副教授鄢一龙等专家学者。

To understand China, the country's democracy is an indispensable part. The West has questioned China's democracy for decades. While China remains committed to "whole-process people's democracy," the West still clings to a governance philosophy with elections at the core, even mischaracterizing Chinese-style democracy as autocracy.

How should we define China's democracy? How is it different from Western democracy?

To answer such questions, here are stories from a Communist Party of China (CPC) secretary working in a Central China village and Shanghai subdistrict officials helping stranded passengers in Hongqiao railway station during COVID-19 quarantine measures. Four scholars from home and abroad also offer their interpretations of China's democracy.

Click on the video to better understand democracy in this oriental country.

(Produced by Han Xiaomeng, Yang Yang, Liang Peiyu, Lin Rui, Zhu Yingqi, and Wang Zi)