

日期:2019-09-03 浏览次数:14732



32nd  Lecture on Contemporary China


China's Rising and Its Global Implication



Yun-han CHU




Yun-han Chu is Distinguished Research Fellow of Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica and Professor of Political Science at National Taiwan University.


1. 赋予经济全球化巨大的推进力量;
2. 削弱美国霸权的权力基础,触动战后国际秩序的转型;
3. 打破西方垄断普世价值的话语权,多元现代化模式取代一元化模式;
4. 拉抬非西方国家的全面兴起,全面释放南南合作的巨大潜力;
5. 引导全球化的未来走向,修改全球化规则,改革全球治理机制与结构;
6. 加速由西方中心世界秩序往后西方世界秩序的过渡。

China's Rising Promotes the Restructuring of World Order 

1. Gives a huge
 boost to economic globalization 
. Weakens the base on which the US hegemony has been built and triggers the transformation of the post-war international order 
3. Breaks the Western discursive power that monopolies universal values, and replaces the unified modernization model with multiple models
4. Facilitates the overall rise of non-Western countries and fully unlocks the great potential of South-South cooperation
5. Guides the future direction of globalization, revises the rules of globalization, and reforms the global governance mechanisms and structures
6. Accelerates the transition of world order from the Western-central to the post-Western


主 持


Hu Angang



Hu Angang is dean of the Institute for Contemporary China Studies and professor of School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University.



时     间  2019年6月30日(星期日)


地     点  清华大学公共管理学院一层报告厅

30th June 2019 (Sunday) 19:00-21:00

1st Floor, Auditorium, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University

朱云汉,(台湾)中央研究院政治学所特聘研究员,台湾大学政治系合聘教授,兼任蒋经国国际学术交流基金会执行长。曾任(台湾)中国政治学会理事长(2003-2005)、美国政治学会理事(2009-2012),2012年当选(台湾)中央研究院院士,2015年获得母校美国明尼苏达大学杰出成就奖,2016当选世界科学院院士。主要研究领域为社会科学方法论、民主化、东亚政治经济、国际政治经济学。曾出版过十七本相关主题的英文专书与论文集。长期担任Asian Barometer Survey总主持人,目前任Global Barometer Surveys执行委员会共同主席,2018年当选国际政治学会比较民意研究委员会主席。曾任Journal of Contemporary China、Pacific Affairs、China Review、Journal of Democracy、International Studies Quarterly, International Studies Perspective等期刊编委,Journal of East Asian Studies共同创办人之一。

Yun-han Chu is Distinguished Research Fellow of Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica and Professor of Political Science at National Taiwan University. He serves concurrently as President of Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. He has been the Coordinator of Asian Barometer Survey, a regional network of survey on democracy, governance and development covering more than eighteen Asian countries. He also serves as Co-chair of the Executive Council of Global Barometer Surveys, the world's largest social science survey research network. Prof. Chu was past President of Chinese Association of Political Science (Taipei) in 2003-2005, and a member of the Council of American Political Science Association (2009-2011). Among his many international advisory roles, he is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Institute of Chinese Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In 2012, he was elected an Academician of Academia Sinica, the country’s highest academic honor, and in 2016 a Fellow of World Academy of Science (TWAS). He currently serves on the editorial board of Journal of Democracy, China Journal, China Review, Journal of Contemporary China, International Studies Perspectives, and Journal of East Asian Studies.