吕晓波 教授 浏览次数:3288



Xiaobo Lü, Professor of Political Science, joined the Barnard faculty in 1994. In addition to his teaching duties for the Department of Political Science, he is affiliated with the Human Rights Studies Program at Barnard. He served as Director of the Weatherhead East Asia Institute, Columbia University. From fall 2008 through summer 2010 he was in Bejing as the founding Director of Columbia Global Centers | East Asia.

Professor Lü teaches such courses as "Asian Politics," "Politics of Development in East Asia," "Introduction to Comparative Politics," and "Introduction to Contemporary Chinese Politics." He is a recipient of the Emily Gregory Award for Excellence in Teaching at Barnard College.

Professor Lü's research interests include Chinese politics and society, political corruption and governance, and the political economy of transition from state socialism. His research and scholarship have been supported by the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation), the Pacific Cultural Foundation, The Asia Foundation, and the International Political Science Association.

Professor Lü serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Chinese Political Science and on the senior editorial board of Crime, Law, and Social Change.


Taxation without Representation in Contemporary Rural China, with T. Bernstein (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003).

"Transition, Globalization, and Changing Industrial Relations in China," Industrial Relations in the Age of Globalization: Labor, Management, and the State in Comparative and Historical Perspective, R. Sil and C. Candland, eds. (Oxford University Press, 2001).

Cadres and Corruption: the Organizational Involution of the Chinese Communist Party, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000).

Promise and Problems of Old and New Democracies, editor (New York: The Academy of Political Science, 2000).

"Taxation without Representation: Chinese State and Peasants in the New Reform Era," with T. Bernstein, The China Quarterly, No. 163 (September, 2000): 111-32.

"Booty Socialism, Bureau-preneurs, and the State in Transition: Organizational Corruption in China," Comparative Politics Vol. 32, No. 3 (2000): 273-294.

"The Political Foundation of Chinese Style Gradualism: A Paradox of Too Strong Private Interests," with C. Henning, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics Vol. 156, No. 1 (2000): 35-59.

"Organizational Involution and Sociopolitical Reform in China," with L. Dittmer,Informal Politics in East Asia, L. Dittmer, H. Fukui, and P. Lee, eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2000).

"Transition from State Socialism and State-Labor Relations in China," inGlobalization and the Dilemmas of the State in the South, F. Adams, S. Gupta and K. Mengisteab, eds., Macmillan, (1999): 251-73.

"From Rank-Seeking to Rent-Seeking: Changing Administrative Ethos and Corruption in Reform China," Crime, Law and Social Change Vol. 32, No. 4 (1999): 347-70.

"The Politics of Peasant Burden in Reform China," Journal of Peasant Studies, v.25, n.1 (1997), pp. 113-38.

"Structural Transformation of the Chinese Work Unit: Macropolitical Implications of Micropolitical Change" (with Lowell Dittmer), China Studies, n.3, (Spring 1997), pp. 111-43.

"Enterprise Paternalism and Transition to Market Socialism: the Political Economy of State Sector Reform in Former State Socialist Systems," Mondes en Développement, n.99 (1997), pp. 41-56.

Xiaobo Lü,Professor of Political Science,Comparative Politics Department Chair,2015-2018



北京时间10月12日晚7点,应剑桥大学耶稣学院“中国论坛”研讨会邀请,清华大学文科资深教授、公共管理学院教授、博导,清华大学国情研究院院长胡鞍钢做了题为“2035中国:共建共同富裕社会“的讲座。“中国论坛”研讨会旨在增进中国同西方国家之间的互相理解。研讨会通过ZOOM平台以线上线下相结合的方式举行,研讨会由剑桥大学耶稣学院“中国论坛”主任Peter Nolan教授主持。 ...


2023年9月14日上午,俄罗斯科学院中国与现代亚洲研究所所长基里尔·巴巴耶夫(Babaev Kirill)一行到访清华大学国情研究院,就学术研究与人才队伍建设进行交流座谈。清华大学文科资深教授、国情研究院院长胡鞍钢,清华大学公共管理学院党委副书记、教授,国情研究院副院长周绍杰出席座谈会。清华大学中俄战略合作研究所执行所长、长聘教授王奇,常务所长、二级研究员周茂林等陪同调研。会议由清华大学公共管理学院长聘副教授、国情研究院副研究员高宇宁主持。 ...


8月5日,以“产业转型升级与城乡治理现代化”为主题的第十八届清华大学公共管理高层论坛在河南济源成功举办。本届高层论坛共设四场分论坛,分别是“产城融合与高质量发展”“营商环境与区域协同发展”“共同富裕与乡村振兴”“中华文化与社会治理”。 分论坛三“共同富裕与乡村振兴”,由清华大学国情研究院承办,旨在通过探讨共同富裕相关的制度安排、基层治理、产业振兴、新型合作经济、财富分配等议题,促进共同富裕与乡村振兴。清华大学公共管理学院副教授、国情研究院副研究员张鹏龙主持分论坛。...


2023年6月30日下午,由清华大学公共管理学院主办,清华大学公共管理学院政治与公共政策研究所、清华大学国情研究院、研究生会联合承办的第62期公共管理学术前沿讲座第62期&“国情青年”学者沙龙在学院322教室举行。加拿大多伦多大学经济系长聘副教授宛圆渊以“断点回归模型的识别和检验”为主题做专题演讲。讲座由政策所所长戴亦欣主持。清华大学公共管理学院副院长朱俊明,清华大学公共管理学院副教授、国情研究院副研究员张鹏龙点评。 ...




11月24日下午,清华大学机关党委举办“荷声讲坛”系列报告会第四十二期暨校机关党的二十大精神党员集中培训(第一期),邀请清华大学文科资深教授,公共管理学院教授、博士生导师,国情研究院院长,国家治理与全球治理研究院首席专家胡鞍钢,清华大学马克思主义学院特聘教授郭建宁分别围绕“中国式现代化”和“党的二十大报告与马克思主义中国化时代化理论创新”作专题报告。校机关党委常务副书记欧阳沁主持活动。 ...

高宇宁获CGTN频道Global Business栏目视频连线采访

近日,中国国际电视台(CGTN)Global Business节目就11月17日在泰国曼谷召开的亚太经合组织(APEC)第二十九次领导人非正式会议相关问题视频连线了清华大学公共管理学院长聘副教授、国情研究院副研究员高宇宁。...

