『国情讲坛』第45讲45th Lecture on Contemporary China新中国对外开放70年——国情、改革及全球化70 Years of China’s Internationalisation Process: Domestic Situation, Reform, and Globalisation 主讲人江小涓全国人大常委、社会建设委员会副主任委员清华大学公共管理学院院长、教授兼任中国社会科学院教授、研究员Jiang Xiaojuan, Professor, Dean of School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University. 新中国成立70年特别是改革开放40年,中国创造了发展奇迹,对外开放是这个过程的核心特征之一。通过开放,我们利用全球市场和资源,提高资源配置效率,扩大就业和推动增长,开放还推动了国内改革进程。讲座将全面回顾这个过程,并对其中的一些关键问题进行分析。现在,国内国际环境已经发生很大变化,今后我们对外开放战略必将有发展和调整,我们有可能进入以水平分工、中性开放和制度性开放为特征的开放新阶段。In the past 70 years after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the last 40 years of the reform and opening up, China has created a development miracle. Opening-up to the outside world is one of the core characteristics of this process. Through economic integration with the world, China has been utilising global markets and resources to improve the efficiency of resource allocation, exp...