冷战结束以来,全球格局并未因分化重组而明朗,引起了广泛的争论。本文引入马克思“两极相联”概念,并加以拓展, 用以概括全球秩序趋向。随着中国综合国力不断提升,中国逐步成长 为全球能动性大国,美国实力相对下降,但是仍然是全球性强国,而 其他国家与区域共同体不具备成长为与中美相抗衡的全球性大国的 条件。现存全球秩序具有进步性与不公正性的双重性,中国作为现存 全球秩序的保守性力量与变革性力量,作为全球性大国一“极”,同 时也是作为美国对立统一的一“极”加入全球秩序构造,从而形成“两 极相联”的全球新秩序。新两极相互竞争的同时,相互制衡与补充, 相互依存与协作,中美共同发挥领导力,打破多边机制的囚徒困境, “两极相联”还意味现存全球经济政治秩序往更加公正与均衡的方 向变迁,它并非 G2,也并非美苏两极冷战格局,是人类历史上没有 过的全球秩序新局。
两极相联;全球秩序;国际格局;国际秩序;全球大战 略
China’s Rising and a Refurbished Global Order with Bipolar Coexistence.
Global structure does not become clearer due to restruction brought by the end of cold war, inducing heated and wide discussion. Introducing and expanding Marx’s concept of “contact of extremes”, this article will elaborate on the new development of global order. With comprehensive national strength enhancing continuously, China has now gradually become an active global power. Meanwhile, the United States has been increasingly declining, but it is still the strongest global power, and other countries are hardly able to compete with neither China nor the United States. The current global order is duplicities with both progressiveness and unfairness. As the conservative yet revolutionary forces, China is one pole of global major powers, and also a both opposing and consistent pole of the United States, thus fostering a refurbished global order characterized with two connected poles in global structure, in which both China and the United States, will compete, complement and cooperate with each other. China and the United States will jointly provide leadership together for global governance and break the prisoner's dilemma of multilateral mechanisms. Bipolar coexistence means the global order incrementally head towards a fairer and more balanced direction. This is neither G2, nor the previous cold war between the United States and the former Soviet Union, but a new international structure unprecedented in human history.
Contact of extremes, bipolar Coexistence,global order, international structure, global strategy